Employee Ownership Trust

KpH Deconstruction Services Limited would like to announce our transition to employee ownership with effect from 27th April 2022.

As KpH enters its third decade, trading at the very highest tier of contracting there is the realisation that this has only been possible by the ability to bring the very best people together.

The decision was made to take the business into an Employment Ownership Trust to align with the businesses people-focused approach. We recognise that our success over the years is due to our employees.

It is the hope of the founding Directors that this restructuring will provide a way to ensure that long-term legacy by maintaining the integrity, continuity and sustainability of the business. Employee ownership means all of us working even closer together and moving in one direction.

We believe that giving our employees an interest in the business will have a positive effect on our ability to grow as we enter a new chapter of our legacy. This restructure will help to build on our already great culture, making us even more collaborative and inclusive.

What is an Employee-Owned Business or an Employee Ownership Trust

  • An EOT is a special type of employee trust first introduced by the government in 2014 as a way of encouraging wider employee ownership
  • EOTs offer indirect ownership of the company’s shares by its employees.
  • Employees become beneficiaries of the Trust
  • The EOT will be established by trust deed and a corporate trustee will usually be appointed, the directors of which can be a mix of executive directors of the Company, employee representatives, a selling shareholder and/or a professional trustee


“My vision is for the business to continue to be run in accordance with the values and principles upon which I built the business over 21 years ago”

Kevin Potter, Founder

“The timing is right in moving forward with this decision to shape our business as an EOT, the strength of our people and collective purpose will propel us forward in the years to come!”  #Employee Owned Trust  #Collective Ambition

Karl De Claro, Procurement Manager

“After hearing the benefits of becoming part of KpH’s Employee’s Ownership Trust firstly I feel very included, which further consolidates how I already feel about working here. I am excited about my future career path at KpH and I look forward to being part of the trust as being able to express my opinions about the business is very important to me.”

Mel Speller, Health & Safety Administrator

“I think the Trust is a good idea as it will mean everyone will have a small stake in the business & we will work together better for the good of the company. This will ultimately benefit us as partners/shareholders in the trust/business. We already have a good team spirit & work ethic within the company, and I feel this will magnify that spirit and attitude across the business.”

Derren Cooper, Senior Estimator